Real people detail the narrow path they found to get to where you want to go

NP Monthly Update Norm NP Monthly Update Norm

January 2024: First Update/ Introduction

Welcome to my first monthly update. You can’t really be updated on something you didn’t already know about, so this is more of an introduction. My name is Norm. Given this blog is all about detailing the stories of people’s professional journeys, it’s fitting that I publicly document the process of building this career advice blog right here on the site.

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Product Management Norm Product Management Norm

How I went from IB to a Senior Product Manager in 3 years

My name is Phynia and I’m a Senior Product Manager based in Sydney, Australia at a global health tech company called Eucalyptus. I’ve been in a dedicated product role for a bit over a year, specifically working for one of Eucalyptus’ five brands, Juniper, where I’m building a medical weight loss program that is delivered through our App and health coaching service.

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Whatever the motivation, if you’d like to be featured on the blog, I’d love to hear from you!
